Файл Изменено
Файл scrubbed.csv окт 09, 2018 by Игорь Артамонов
Файл complete.csv окт 09, 2018 by Игорь Артамонов

1 комментарий

  1. https://www.kaggle.com/NUFORC/ufo-sightings


    datetime Contains date and time of sighting
    city City in which UFO was sighted
    state State in which UFO was sighted
    country Country of Sighting
    shape Shape of the UFO
    duration (seconds)Duration of the Sighting in seconds
    duration (hours/min)Duration of the sighting in hours and min
    comments Sighting description
    date posted Posted date of the sighting
    latitude Latitude coordinate of the sighting
    longitude Longitude coordinate of the sighting