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Параметры ядра


Disable Page Address Translation. Fixes a flood of "debian kernel Xorg freeing invalid memtype" in messages log file and other errors.


This has been reported by extremejosh who's machine failed to load the restricted nvidia drivers on a geforce 7350 and appears more or less common if you have several tv tuners. Increasing the size of vmalloc to 196 or even more may help in such cases.

Активация Kernel-параметров до установки ОС (на примере Ubuntu)

If you boot ubuntu from a livecd (or USB stick), right after the bios splash screen you will get a purple screen with a keyboard logo at the bottom:


Important: if you select a kernel boot option from the F6 menu and proceed to boot and later install ubuntu, those boot options will NOT be applied to your installation. If you needed nomodeset to get the livecd to boot, you will almost certainly need it again once you reboot in to your fresh install. See below how to set those options on an installed ubuntu. And perhaps click the “affects me too” on this bug report where I request these settings be applied (semi) automatically.

Временная установка Kernel параметров

To set kernel boot options, you must edit your grub configuration. You can do this temporarily for a single boot by entering the grub menu. If you do not get to see the grub boot menu after the bios automatically, you may have to press SHIFT key after the bios logo to get in to grub:


Important: setting boot options this way only applies to a single boot. If you reboot the machine, those settings will be lost, unless you make them permanent (see below)

Перманентное программирование Kernel параметров


To permanently change the default kernel boot options, press ALT+F2 or open a terminal from system > accessories > terminal. Type in the following command:
