Однократное подключение сетевой CIFS шары \\usernas\temp
sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/usernas/
Однократное подключение сетевой шары на системе NTFS
mount.cifs // /mnt/jupiter -o user=testuser pass=P@ssw0rd
Автоподключение шары через FSTAB
Windows Share: // this is the share on the windows server that we will be mounting on the Linux box (we use IP because it works all the time, DNS sometimes fails)
Linux Box Name: Dev-CentOS
the first thing that needs to be done is go ahead and type the following command to install the samba client:
yum install samba-client
after that is done installing, install the CIFS-Utils by using the below command:
yum install cifs-utils
we have to next make a directory that the share will mount to, to do so, issue the following command:
mkdir /mnt/Lbackups
from here we need to go into our File System Tab, to do so, type
vi /etc/fstab
as you can see there is a NFS share already mounted, and an extra hard drive:
we are going to add to this, go to the bottom, and add a note:
a couple of variables here: = the ip of the server you are mounting to
:/Lbackups = the name of the share you are connecting to
/mnt/Lbackups = where it will show up on the local system
cifs = filesystem type, a windows share on Linux is recognized as cifs
username/password= Active directory Username/Password that has permission to that share. I suggest using a service account for this
save and quit out of the fstab.
Restart the mounts:
sudo mount -a