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  1. Данные с kaggle: 16 климатических параметров (непрерывные значения) с 122 погодных станций Юго-Западной части Бразилии

  2. Колонки: 

    wsidWeather station id
    wsnmName station (usually city location or nickname)
    inmeStation number (INMET number) for the location
    provState (Province)

    Observation Datetime (complete date: date + time)

    dateDate of observation
    yrThe year (2000-2016)
    moThe month (0-12)
    daThe day (0-31)
    hrThe hour (0-23)
    prcpAmount of precipitation in millimetres (last hour)
    stpAir pressure for the hour in hPa to tenths (instant)
    smaxMaximum air pressure for the last hour in hPa to tenths
    sminMinimum air pressure for the last hour in hPa to tenths
    gbrdSolar radiation KJ/m2
    tempAir temperature (instant) in celsius degrees
    dewpDew point temperature (instant) in celsius degrees
    tmaxMaximum temperature for the last hour in celsius degrees
    dmaxMaximum dew point temperature for the last hour in celsius degrees
    tminMinimum temperature for the last hour in celsius degrees
    dminMinimum dew point temperature for the last hour in celsius degrees
    hmdyRelative humid in % (instant)
    hmaxMaximum relative humid temperature for the last hour in %
    hminMinimum relative humid temperature for the last hour in %
    wdspWind speed in metres per second
    wdctWind direction in radius degrees (0-360)
    gustWind gust in metres per second